Journey Home Collection — Finding Comfort in Patina.

The Journey Home Collection

- coming November 30th -

The Journey Home Collection - coming November 30th -

Welcome to the final blog post in this series leading up to the Journey Home collection- coming November 30th at 10 am ET. If you missed the introduction and the last two emails, you can catch up on them right here!


Today, we're diving into the heart of what makes a home uniquely yours—patina. Those well-earned marks that come with age and use. It's one of my favorite words, and I'm excited to chat about how embracing patina can add something special to your space and how this ties into the Journey Home collection.


Consider inviting objects and furniture into your home that carry the mark of time. These pieces tell a narrative, just like we discussed in the first blog post, the imperfections add a layer of wonder and curiosity to your space, creating an authentic story in your home. Visit antique stores or thrift shops (one of my favorite things to do!), or online marketplaces for weathered treasures that resonate with you and compliment your space.

Tip: Check the bottom of smaller objects, like vases, to see if they’re handmade. I naively thought I was purchasing a one-of-a-kind antique vase and months later peeled the price tag off the bottom only to find the ‘made in Thailand’ emblem. Lesson learned!

 I try to discover the object’s story by asking where it's from or how long they've owned it. It's always fun to hear!


This collection was created with patina in mind. The beautiful imperfect marks in the artwork- some accidental and some purposeful- act as a reminder to embrace those lived-in tales of your heirloom coffee table. The coffee table in my living room is the one I grew up with and seeing all of the wear and marks brings me back to all of the fun memories I had around that table.

The Journey Home paintings are more than just art—they're the perfect complement to a home filled with soul and character, curated by the objects and stories you invite in.



I fill my studio with found objects and second-hand furniture to fuel my inspiration. This comes through in the paintings I create. Embracing imperfection in the studio allows me to create more freely and not feel so precious about the work. The best art is made when you let loose. Take a peek below at some favorite finds and the beautiful quirks woven into Journey Home paintings.


Imperfect details and marks lend a touch of patina to the paintings.


Thank you for joining me on this series through the Journey Home collection. I hope our chat has sparked inspiration in your space, and I'm so excited for you to dive into this beautiful new collection on November 30th. It's been a labor of love these past few months, and I can't wait to share it with you!


Cheers to the beauty of patina,



Motherhood’s Influence on My Art


Journey Home Collection — The Power of Nature